This Alliance is here for everyone. We are here to support each other and have fun doing it. We realize that not everyone will get along all the time, so here are some helpful guidelines to
follow when interacting with others in the alliance.
- Be friendly & respectful to Guild & Alliancemembers. Or short: Don't be a jerk! Keep on mind, we all come from different places and backgrounds
- We encourage you to use the alliance chat. But please think about what you post and don’t spam it with “bullshit” as was so nicely stated
- See if you can fill open party spots in the alliance, before you go somewhere else.
- Don’t search for IL in Alliance-Chat. If people meet the requirements, you should give them a chance (hDPS for mSVA, FBI, Spell allowed, but only if you need it to be hDPS in order to finish,
instead of “average DPS”)
- Don’t spam trades (1-2 times is okay, but it should not start to get too much.)
- If someone organizes multiple DF runs (usually 3 in a row), please try to stay for all of them and don’t leave earlier because of the organisation it takes. (unless it is an emergency of
- Conflicts/Trouble with someone from the alliance? Please try to solve it yourself or ask your Guild Laders/Officers to mediate. It's not possible to be solved right now? Take a screen and
send it to your officer/Leader so he can help you.
- Don't put alliance members on ignore, that does not really help, try to solve the problem instead And if some of the rules collide with each other? Go with Rule #1 - Don't be a jerk
Conflict resolving:
If possible: Solve the conflict by your own or do a step back if two different opinions turn into conflict. If needed find an officer or leader who is online and can help mediate. If the conflict
can’t be solved, turns out to be something “big” (or no one is online to help) make a printscreen from the whole chat and send it to one of the leaders. Leaders/officers involved (if not of that
person’s guild) should inform the person’s guild leader of the issue and resolution (if there was one.)