(last change 07.05.2017)
For both builds the damage is based a lot on Aspect of the serpent class feature: Switching lets you spam encounters and boosts your damage, make sure you unlock the artifact weapon power so the damage boost from the feature is increased even more.
For your stats focus on Crit and Power, Dread Enchantment as Weapon Enchant (because you use encounter powers all the time). Demogorgon set is not needed, I am using Dex belt (and Neck). If you need more help concerning gear (or anything else concerning hunter ranger I don’t explain here) ask me in game.
This build is based on switching between ranged and melee powers and on damage through roots. It does decent damage and stuns.
Encounters: constricting arrow/steel breeze, hindering shot/hindering strike, cordon of arrows, plant growth
At-wills: hardly needed because this build should allow you through switching to reduce cooldown as much so you can spam encounters all the time, if not use rapid shot/rapid strike in between.
Daily: Seismic Shot
Class Feature: Aspect of the Serpent (most important, sloted this all the time!)
For AOE: Twin-Blade Storm
For single target: Seeker’s Veneance
(If you need more stun (f.e. without tank) use Crushing Roots, if you are pathfinder use aspect of the falcon)
This build is only recommended if you have enough crit that you can loose 10% of it and still are around 100% crit chance during combat. Its based on good switch to get the maximum out of aspect of the serpent (which is also important for full trapper, but for this build even more): always check that stance is buffed and keep your rotation up paying attention to this. Now thanks to Skirmisher’s Gambit your crit severity is increase by 50% (but you loose 10% crit chance) and you will hit harder, but you don’t have thorned roots no more with the damage tick over time, and the stun is much shorter.
Encounters: constricting arrow/steel breeze, hindering shot/hindering strike, cordon of arrows, plant growth
At-wills: use carefull attack in your rotation for debuff, that’s why I recommend pathfinder for this build, else same as for trapper: spam encounters, if they aren’t rdy and you already used carful attack use rapid shot/rapid strike.
Daily: Seismic Shot
Class Feature: Aspect of the Serpent (most important, sloted this all the time!)
aspect of the falcon
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